M-Hi and HIRO: 2 days of targeted training at ASA headquarters

30 September 2024 - Training -

Two full days of training to learn more about MLS® and Hilterapia® Laser Therapy and the respective new devices for their application: M-Hi and HIRO. With these purposes, the ASA headquarters hosted the “M-Hi and HIRO Training” course on 12th and 13th September. 

Divided into a theoretical and a practical session, the meeting allowed those attending to concretely verify the methods of use of the two therapies and the ease of use of the individual devices. Laser systems that, the synthesis of research and technological innovation, attracted the interest of the participants. 

Testo a Destra
Immagine 30%/Testo 60%
Cinzia Pacini - ASAlaser EMEA Sales Manager

“The training, intended both for those who had already purchased M-Hi or Hiro during the first part of the year, and for those who wanted to obtain more information before committing further – explains Cinzia Pacini, ASA Export Manager – achieved all the objectives it had set itself: to offer valid and effective information on the use of the Made in Italy Therapeutic Solutions to those who had already purchased it and to provide an overview to new potential customers”.

The feedback collected was extremely positive: “the hands-on session was especially appreciated – continues Pacini – as it allowed seeing the application methods and the patient's response up close, as well as enabled participants to ask questions directly to the manufacturer and to its specialists”.

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