Revolutionizing chiropractic care: how MLS® Laser Therapy transformed Balanced for Life

In this insightful interview, Dr. Lindy Kuburic, CEO and Principal Chiropractor at Balanced for Life, Australia, and Pavle Kuburic, COO and Laser Guru, share their journey into integrating MLS® Laser Therapy into their practice. They discuss the inspiration behind adopting this innovative therapy, its transformative impact on their patients and business, and the benefits of offering innovative, research-driven treatments that set them apart in the field of chiropractic care.

How and why did you decide to integrate laser therapy into your practice?
P:  Laser therapy was something relatively new for us in Australia.
However, as a relatively new chiropractic location, we really wanted the edge and one of the really important things for us was “how can we provide a even bigger benefits for our patients"?
L: Looking into it later seemed not true. It seemed: how could this be possible? 
After doing some research, we really figured out that this could be something we explore and we did, and we are blown away by the outcomes
P: Exactly. Yeah. And so, you know, what you're really looking for our patients is to provide the best quality treatment, fast quality treatment, something that it is research based, something that we believe in, that we are excited at and something that is going to help us to stand apart from other chiropractor, physios, massage therapists and laser provides that.

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How did you learn about MLS® Laser Therapy?
P: That's a good one. I think that was like a few months after we decided to work together. And so I was like okay: “Fine, I'm going to go to chiropractic conference and just see what's happening there” and as a part of chiropractic conference, there was a presentation on the lasers. 
L: And there was many streams and I wanted to go to a few of them and “Pavel: you go to the laser one, I wanna know what that’s about”. And he went and he wrote his notes out. He got his research.
P: You have to come and see this and forget about the other stuff”. That was the first time.
L: I remember when we drive home from the conference, we looked into this and we're talking about it and we started to explore the idea of MLS® laser, and six months later, after information and research, that's how we came about buying our first laser.

And what benefits have you seen in your business?
L: Confidence!
Well, as practitioners sometimes by, you know, hands-on modality, you don't always have that consistency, whereas laser you know you're gonna get the same outcome, the same thing, if you know what you're doing, of course, with the laser settings and things like that and even then, and that it can't go too wrong.
L: So, we do find that that has helped improve our business, improve our reputation. It’s given us an edge over other clinicians because, as chiropractors or, you know, physical therapists or whatever, you are doing similar things, but having the laser that, yes, just sets us as being cutting edge, as being ahead of the times, as being research orientated and that's what it has done for our business.
P: I would actually like to add one more: when we're looking for new pay, a new chiropractors, right, while we are expanding new staff and stuff, it is much easier to bring aboard people who want to further themselves, who are just on the ball, who are excited because we have additional modalities and they want to learn, and so, you know, we stand apart little bit also in the hiring process because we're like “hey, we have something that is absolutely amazing” and it's easy to filter, you know, those people who are really, you know, want to go further and with that, we have a better team culture (or we assume we have a better team culture) and just help us overall, yeah.

Which conditions you treat mostly with laser therapy?
L: As a chiropractic clinic, we see mostly musculoskeletal conditions, so things like: low back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines.
But most importantly, we do things like the fasciitis, tendonitis, muscle contusions, sport injuries, you know, with some of our patients that come in with other complaints and they might have some skin issues or lesions, we do help with those as well, even though that's not necessarily the chiropractic.
P: Our older patients, absolutely love arthritis (L: Oh, arthritis settings).
P: That is something that is just bread and butter.
L: it reduces pain
P: Oh exactly, giving them a range of motion, they can continue with their lifestyle, go walk with their friends and stuff like that. They really, really appreciate that. We found that to be like a really big one, amongst the other things.

What feedback do you receive from your patients after treatment?
L: Surprise. Surprise that it works, because it seems like most therapies is always a pain- associated, so with musculoskeletal, you're touching something you feel, it has a sensory component, “Ouch, that hurts, so it must be good”.
P: No pain, no gain
L: Laser doesn't hurt! If you apply this laser, it’s light and yet, your brain goes “is anything actually happening?”.  And so when a patient immediately feels relief, and that's all you've done in that session, they're like, “wow”, they're in awe, they're surprised, and they then become great referrals because they truly believe.
P: They go and tell their friends. 
Like increase range of motion and then pain reduction. It's two things that we really find that it's a wow effect.
L: So to answer your question, it’s the wow effect.

Please describe ASAlaser in 3 adjectives
P: Yeah, this one was really hard, because there's so many things that you can actually connect to this one.
But we finally, after a few minutes of deliberation, we found: Confidence, Results and Innovation.
That's it.

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