PBM24: MLS® protagonist of numerous in-depth studies

30 September 2024 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

A dozen countries involved, professionals from all over the world with various specialisations - from dentistry to oncology, from podiatry to wound healing - marked the 2024 edition of PBM London, whose Educational area is its pride and joy. The scientific program was very complex, with speakers of international standing taking turns. Among the topics explored, ample space was reserved for MLS® Laser Therapy, the focus of as many as 7 different speeches:

  • “Effects Of Photobiomodulation By MLS-MiS Laser On Models Of Fibroblast Activation: Implications For Wound Healing" - Francesca Cialdai, ASAcampus Researcher;
  • “Evaluation of adjunctive photobiomodulation (PBMT) for Covid-19 pneumonia via clinical status and pulmonary severity indices in a preliminary trial” - Scott Sigman, Founder and head of OrthoLazer;
  • “Photobiomodulation as an alternative solution for pain management in the evolution of the opioid crisis” - Scott Sigman, Founder and head of OrthoLazer;
  • “Photobiomodulation Therapy for PostRadiation Fibrosis in head and neck cancer: a series of case reports” - Kate Perkins, specialist in oncology and lymphedema rehabilitation;
  • “Therapeutic efficacy of photobiomodulation in managing chronic and relapsing bone pain in variant form of camurati-engelmann disease” - Kate Perkins, specialist in oncology and lymphedema rehabilitation;
  • “Accelerating wound healing in Older Patients: A Four-Case Analysis of Photobiomodulation Therapy” - Catherine Norton, Founder and head of Heal With Laser and OncoLaser;
  • “PBM Therapy In A Typical Australian Podiatry Practice: Case Examples Across Multiple Pathologies” - Bronwyn Cooper: Owner and Head Physician of Dr Foot Solutions.


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Federico Castellani - ASA Sales Manager

Laser therapy and dosage control

“During the in-depth meetings at PBM2024 – explains Federico Castellani, ASA Commercial Director – the need emerged to focus on the control of the laser dosage delivered. A dosage that was indicated as a fundamental parameter for the effective treatment of various disorders: a decision that confirms the value of MLS® Laser Therapy which has always allowed this and which has now further optimised it with the EU MDR validations”.

The speeches also highlighted the importance of sharing case reports. A well-documented clinical experience presented by credible professionals is extremely effective

“The congress – Castellani concludes – in addition to being an important showcase for ASA, proved to be an extremely useful event in order to be updated on the latest worldwide innovations in laser therapy”.

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