"Patients should expect to experience an improvement in pain and activity with the treatment. There have been no reports of serious side effects from laser therapy for pain control". With this wording, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has included laser therapy within its guidelines for the treatment of knee joint osteoarthritis. Thanks to the extensive clinical data collected, the AAOS has therefore recommended it to medical practitioners as a therapeutic approach which has proved effective in daily practice.
"This therapy – explained Doctor Scott Sigman, founder of OrthoLazer Laser Centers and user of the MLS® M8 device – can be concretely effective for treating both acute and chronic knee pain, as it reduces the inflammation and leads to faster healing, in addition to promoting tissue regrowth and to improving blood circulation in the area around the joint. An improved blood flow supplies more oxygen and healing nutrients to the area and consequently, as the blood vessels are less narrow, swelling is reduced and more connective tissue begins to grow”.
According to Sigman, there are further advantages of laser therapy, as it also has a leading role in releasing endorphins and it underlies the reduction in the feeling of pain and the stimulation of the immune system to produce additional chemical substances that help heal damaged tissues.
The American specialist, who was the first to successfully use ASA’s therapy as part of a clinical trial to treat interstitial pneumonia caused by COVID-19, concludes - “MLS® is the most advanced laser therapy currently available. M8, the device for its application, is authorised by the FDA, is not invasive and is completely automated and safe. We expect an increasing number of patients to benefit from the analgesic effects of laser therapy, particularly now that AAOS has given its seal of approval to its use for the treatment of knee pain”.
The experience in the field of many orthopaedic sector experts is proved by multiple publications now available.
“Effect of a physiotherapy rehabilitation program on knee osteoarthritis in patients with different pain intensities”
A. A. Abdel-Aziem, E. S. Soliman, D. M. Mosaad, A. H. Draz
Journal of physical therapy science 30(2):307-312, 2018
“Efficacy of pulsed Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial”
M. S. Alayat, T. H. Aly, A. E. Elsayed, A. S. Fadil
Lasers in Medical Science, 2017
“Assessment of the effectiveness of MLS laser therapy in the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis”
A. Dakowicz, A. Kuryliszyn-Moskal, M. Białowiezec, A. Gbur
Polish Journal of Applied Sciences, 1 124-129, 2015
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