How to prepare for a bike holiday: training, massages and laser therapy

23 May 2023 - Therapies -

The data that emerged from the study "Travelling by bike 2023 - third national report on cycle tourism", edited by Isnart (National Institute for Tourist Research) in collaboration with Legambiente, speak for themselves: cycle tourism is experiencing a golden moment. In Italy, lovers of bicycles as the only travel formula have gone from 4 million in 2019 to 9 million in 2022, with an economic impact of around one billion euro. 33 million are instead the overall figures generated by those who cycle for short stretches along some itineraries to discover Italy.

Respectable numbers that differ little from those that mark the cycle tourism phenomenon in the rest of the world, where bike travel has been among the most chosen travel formulas for several seasons, not only by athletes, but also by enthusiasts used to "moving their legs” only at weekends. Holland, Belgium, France and Germany lead the ranking of the countries most sensitive to this type of holiday, thanks also to the dense network of routes dedicated to MTB, e-bikes and road bicycles on which they can rely. 

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Bicycle and Wellness

Bici & Salute

The experience ensured by a bicycle trip goes hand in hand with the positive effects on the health of those who choose it: in fact, riding a bicycle improves the physical condition and the brain function, contributes to maintaining a correct weight, gives a boost to mood, promotes sleep and reduces stress. 
Alongside the undeniable benefits, however, there is also a series of risks that can be unleashed if you are not properly trained.

“Tendinitis, muscle tension and contractures are just a few of the commonplace issues when you travel many kilometres without being physically fit. Laser therapy is the answer both during the preparation phase and in case of overuse injuries”

Laser therapy to leave prepared

Before spending the summer weekends or holidays cycling, it is therefore better to be proactive, not just by training before you leave along a series of stages with different lengths and difficulty, but also by undergoing focused physical exercises for the leg and arm muscles and muscle cool-down sessions, relying on the manipulation by professionals.

Laser therapy, in particular, is confirmed to be effective for supporting the cool-down phase and for reducing any inflammation triggered by excessive movement.

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Bicycle & Laser Therapy treatment

To be best prepared, it is therefore advisable to include cycles of laser therapy sessions in your training. Laser therapy is also successful if, despite training, you run into some physical problems: in particular, a series of sessions with MLS® Laser Therapy allows you to overcome the painful symptoms typical of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and favours the rapid recovery of the functions compromised by overuse
Instead, should the problems concern the joints, a particularly effective help is offered by Hilterapia® which acts on the deeper tissues. The intensity and energetic impact of the HILT® pulse in fact produces an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oedema effect which acts on the tissue repair and regeneration processes

With these precautions even the most demanding bike holidays are tackled with a smile. Ready to ride?

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