Arab Health: success beyond expectations

13 February 2023 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

Goals achieved for ASA at Arab Health (30 January - 2 February 2023, Dubai), one of the most important international industry fairs.

Not only did the company strengthen relations with current partners and intercept valuable new ones, but it also successfully promoted its therapeutic solutions on new markets of interest. The experience was especially positive for the staff involved, mainly thanks to having an own exhibition space for the first time in the sector reserved for Capital Equipment.

“The decision taken to set up in this pavilion was a winning one. We could be reached easily and were in an area with a large influx: they were four particularly intense days.” Alberto Fera, ASA Area Manager comments.

The possibility of interacting first hand with the ASA devices most sold in the Arab world also contributed to stimulate participants’ curiosity towards the uses and benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy and Hilterapia®.

“This factor also contributed to making a difference, as it is a tangible support to the activities of our partners’ sales teams. Indeed, thanks to their collaboration, many potential clients visited us and were given a presentation directly by our staff. An important added value, the result of the relationships built up with our partners”, Fera concludes.

In light of the many meetings held and of the consequent development opportunities that derived, Arab Health was confirmed a pivotal event for ASA’s worldwide promotional and sales activity, something that was confirmed by the nationalities of the visitors, who attended from all the continents.

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