Team building: ASA focuses on beach volleyball

22 May 2023 - Corporate -

The game as an opportunity for fun and cohesion between company departments. Starting from these premises - to celebrate its 40th birthday - ASA organises a series of functional activities during the year to put the emphasis on enhancing people, its primary corporate asset. A good corporate spirit, according to the company, is created by sharing the contribution of each employee.

After the table football tournament held in January, the publication of the company Playlist created with the contribution of ASA collaborators and various ASAbreakfasts, in May the company focused on sport with the aim of creating an increasingly solid and motivated team: 5 teams, made up of players from different company departments, faced each other in a fun and competitive Beach Volleyball tournament.

The participants in the tournament, held at the Vicenza Country Club at the end of the working day, challenged each other in 10 matches which then decreed the group that achieved the top of the podium.

“Initiatives like these allow people to get to know each other outside the professional context, which can sometimes be limiting for the individual. The game, which is never an end unto itself, allows getting out of the daily routine and playing as part of a team requires getting involved in a new guise, with new objectives and adventure mates", explains Carlo Marchesini, ASA Marketing Manager.

In the name of sharing, the tournament ended with a convivial dinner, a further moment of lightness and sharing among those present. The busy calendar of events to celebrate the 40th birthday continues with several new occasions aimed at promoting the sense of belonging and corporate pride.

Stay Tuned on ASA social networks.

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