SIMFER National Congress: Reports and in-depth studies on laser therapy

11 October 2024 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

Effectiveness of laser therapy in shoulder tendinopathy” (Prof Antonio Frizziero) and “Effects of MLS® Laser Therapy (Multiwave Locked System) in chronic nonspecific cervicalgia and lumbago” (Prof Lisa Berti): these are the titles of the reports that featured MLS® Laser Therapy and Hilterapia® during the 52nd SIMFER Congress in Padua (6-9 October).

“Both in-depth studies – explains Giacomo Granozio, ASA Education Program Manager – aroused strong interest among participants. The broad participation is a tangible sign of the sensitivity and attention that Italian professionals demonstrate towards technological innovations for the treatment of various disorders”.

The trend was also confirmed by the numerous visits to the company stand during the Congress.

“Those who came to visit us at the ASA stand often already knew and appreciated our Therapeutic Solutions, recognising not only their benefits in terms of pain reduction and acceleration of recovery, but also their significant impact on clinical practice,” concludes Granozio.

Testo a Destra
Immagine 30%/Testo 60%

"High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) versus Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) in the treatment of noncalcifying tendinopathies of the rotator cuff: a retrospective study"
A. Frizziero, A. Demeco, L. Pelizzari, M. Mirabdolbaghi, C. Costantino
Energy for Health [23], 2023


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