
Bell's palsy - MLS laser treatment
Research - 03/04/2023
A study published in Lasers in Medical Science investigated the efficacy of MLS® Laser Therapy in patients with acute unilateral facial paralysis thanks to the M6 robotic device.
MLS Laser Therapy at AC Horsens
Therapies - 02/03/2023
In order to avoid stopping the training and having to confine athletes to the stands, it becomes a priority to find a solution that is effective, quick and free from side effects.
MLS nella prevenzione della radiodermite acuta - Limburg Oncologic Laser Institute
Research - 16/02/2023
Two recently published studies have investigated the efficacy of MLS® Laser Therapy in the prevention of acute radiodermatitis in patients with breast cancer.
Trattamento Hilterapia contro la fascite plantare
Research - 23/11/2022
Hilterapia® allows a rapid solution of the painful symptoms linked to plantar fasciitis, especially when combined with radial shock waves.
Research - 23/11/2022
Various pre-clinical studies demonstrate how the photothermal and photomechanical effects, typical of the therapy, have obvious positive effects in the analgesic, anti-oedema and reparative fields,...
Andrea Verona ISDE 2022
Therapies - 27/09/2022
Mphi75, one of the cutting-edge equipment by ASA, was also at the 96th edition of the International Six Days Enduro (ISDE, held from 29th August to 3rd September, in Le Puy-en-Velay) which saw Great...