ASA: an across-the-board welfare plan to support its team

04 September 2024 - Corporate -

The Vicenza-based company specialising in rehabilitation therapies in the human and veterinary fields develops an ad-hoc project to increase the professionalism of its collaborators and to improve their quality of life even beyond the work context. A schedule of initiatives with high added value ranging between physical and mental well-being and training.

To enhance internal resources and provide them with the opportunity to improve not only their professionalism, but also the quality of their day outside the company.  With the aim of responding to the diversified needs and multiple requirements of its employees, ASA is developing a Welfare plan that focuses on transversality.  

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Giulia Sossella - ASA

“The project conceived – Giulia Sossella, who has been heading the human resources department at ASA for over a year, explains – consists of a series of activities, services, initiatives and tools to assist our collaborators to increase their personal professionality and well-being. But that's not all. These initiatives also aim to improve internal relationships, creating a community which is able to constructively share both the working day and moments of leisure”.

Influenced by the skills acquired by the HR manager during her previous work experiences and by the requests of the ASA staff, a series of actions has taken shape: grocery and fuel vouchers; refunds for costs linked to transport; bonuses for using babysitters or caregivers; purchase of books; school expenses; national and international travel for personal purposes; partnerships with some gyms. 

Holding true to its mission of contributing with its laser and magneto therapies to improving the well-being and health of the people who choose them, ASA has developed a series of interventions in this direction too. In addition to internal coaching support, it offers a comprehensive “prevention and health” package. 

“In the name of health protection and prevention – continues the HR Manager – we have also activated a collaboration with Fisiovan 8.14. Through this mobile clinic for physiotherapy certified by the ASL (Local Health Authority), our employees will be able to structure a specific intervention plan after an initial screening of their musculo-skeletal condition. An intervention which may also involve instrumental therapy entrusted to some ASA devices which the mobile clinic is equipped with”. 

The meetings for posture exercises organised at headquarters during the European Week for Health and Safety at Work in October also fall within the field of physical well-being.

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ASA - Insight Discovery Team Building

For ASA, however, welfare is not just physical well-being, but also the improvement of personal knowledge and of professional skills thanks to targeted courses and team building sessions. For example, the “Insights® Discovery” course has recently ended, where 3 meetings, including one outside the company and focused on team leadership, enabled the 20 participants to compare notes, learning to work together effectively whilst avoiding conflict and respecting the individual character, talent and inclinations of each person. Finally, that training is an essential item for ASA is confirmed by the budget allocated to each department and destined to training or leisure activities for our collaborators. Objective: to team up and tighten the relationship links between the people who work side by side every day. 

“We are aware that there is a long way to go in the field of Welfare, but these interventions represent the first important steps along our growth path”, concludes Sossella.

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