In-presence Hilterapia® training for three Spanish clinics

05 November 2021 - Training -

To offer precise information concerning the features of Hilterapia®, its tangible benefits and at the same time to provide indications for the best use of Hiro 3.0 to the staff of various Spanish clinics belonging to the Asepeyo group: this was the objective of the ASA staff which acted to support our local distributor Prim for a training activity which took place in several stages, initially remotely and only recently in presence.

“To optimise the training process - Roberto Terruzzi, ASA’s Senior Area Manager explains – initially we provided some online training sessions giving a first theoretical introduction of the therapy. Subsequently, we provided an in-presence intervention addressed to all physiotherapy staff from the Madrid and Barcelona clinics belonging to the Asepeyo group. Added to these two teams, we had the Marbella facility which, like the other two, can rely on a Hiro 3.0 device”.

The positive feedback collected at the end of the course was significant and all participants were actively involved.

“The physiotherapists’ interest was confirmed by the many questions we were asked, mainly functional to improving the use of Hilterapia® in daily practice to treat specific pathologies and to conduct the therapeutic sessions with maximum efficacy”.

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