Intersection syndrome is a painful pathology of the forearm and wrist which mainly occurs among people who do sports (motorcycling, tennis, rowing, cross-country skiing, basketball) or jobs which involve repetitive wrist and thumb movements.
Because of these repeated movements, the tendons in the thumb tend to get inflamed at the point where they cross the tendons of the carpus. To fight inflammation during the acute phase, rest, abstaining from the actions which caused the pathology, an anti-inflammatory therapy and, in extreme cases, local infiltrations and manual and instrumental physiotherapy sessions, are recommended.
The recent article “Management of intersection syndrome in professional motorcycle rider: a case report”, by the Mobile Clinic (the mobile hospital which looks after Motorcycle GP and Superbike pilots) confirmed that the use of Hilterapia® is an additional instrument which helps to treat intersection syndrome, contributing, together with a brace and manual therapy sessions, to the patient’s full recovery even under mechanically stressful conditions, such as for example returning to intense sports activities which involve the tendon.
The result which was reached is the outcome of the analysis of a case of a professional biker who suffered intense wrist pain and swelling after training sessions, who was diagnosed with the intersection syndrome. In order to properly treat the athlete, rest, the use of a brace, NSAIDs, physical therapy, Hilterapia® sessions and physical exercise were prescribed. The adopted therapeutic protocol allowed the motorcyclist to resolve the symptoms completely and to return to his training sessions and professional races at full throttle with lasting results (5 months). ASA’s therapy therefore confirmed its full effectiveness in treating this pathology as well.
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Decreto Legislativo 24 febbraio 1997, n°46 Articolo 21
1. E' vietata la pubblicità verso il pubblico dei dispositivi che, secondo disposizioni adottate con decreto del Ministro della Sanità, possono essere venduti soltanto su prescrizione medica o essere impiegati eventualmente con l'assistenza di un medico o di altro professionista sanitario.
2. La pubblicità presso il pubblico dei dispositivi diversi da quelli di cui al comma 1 è soggetta ad autorizzazione del Ministero della Sanità. Sulle domande di autorizzazione esprime parere la Commissione di esperti prevista dall'articolo 6, comma 3, del decreto legislativo
30 dicembre 1992, n. 541, che a tal fine è integrata da un rappresentante del Dipartimento del Ministero della Sanità competente in materia di dispositivi medici e da uno del Ministero dell'Industria, del commercio e dell'artigianato.
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