Magnetotherapy in sports: a case history and new research confirm its effectiveness

13 November 2019 - Therapies -

“I had been suffering from daily pain to my back and knees for several years, due to training – Dylan Charrat, the European boxing champion in the super welterweight category tells us – which I carry out 5/6 times a week, twice a day, and even more frequently before competitions. My sport is not only physically traumatic, but also has a psychological impact and this affects the body. This is why I am supported by a kinesiologist who has added magnetotherapy to my recovery activity”.

The sportsman in fact underwent ASA’s Easy QS magnetotherapy sessions to reduce the muscle tension which he suffered from, producing positive effects also on his preparation and recovery. The therapy also proved to have other benefits, primarily that of reducing the use of medication.

“Since undergoing these sessions – the champ confirms – I no longer take anti-inflammatories and I feel much better physically”.

Kinesiologist Julien Aldeguer explains the reasons why magnetotherapy is a valid solution to treat issues such as sports ones:

“By using magnetic fields, magnetotherapy is employed to speed up the healing process of muscle lesions, but principally for everything linked to osteo-articular pain. In Dylan’s case, for example, we usually apply a 25-minute session during which the magnetic field is spread along the entire length of the rachis in order to obtain an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the magnetic fields activate blood circulation which favours the supply of oxygen and breaks up the pain signal between the cells and the brain”.


That magnetotherapy is a panacea for sportspeople is also underlined by the research "Effect of pulsed electromagnetic therapy on bone mineral density of female athletes". With the objective of verifying whether magnetotherapy is a useful therapeutic procedure to increase bone density in sportswomen, 40 female sportspersons were divided into two groups.

The first group underwent 3 treatments per week, lasting 30 minutes each, of magnetotherapy applied to the lumbar and hip area, whilst the second group acted as a control group. Both groups subscribed to the doctors’ plan which provided for supplementary calcium and vitamin D.
The results showed an improvement in bone density measured at the femur and the lumbar region for both groups, but with a statistically significant difference in favour of the group treated with magnetotherapy.

In conclusion, magnetotherapy is confirmed as a useful therapeutic procedure to increase bone density in female athletes.

The magnetotherapy & sports duo therefore represents a successful partnership with a positive impact on the athlete’s performance and on his/her well-being.

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