From La Paz to Lima: ASA therapies the focus of training sessions and workshops

08 May 2023 - Training -

MLS® Laser Therapy, Qs Magnetotherapy and Hilterapia® were the focus of various training courses organised by ASA staff in Bolivia and Peru, countries that represent a valid base for development.

“Bolivia in particular – explains Karla Salazar, ASA Area Manager – is a very receptive and extremely interesting market as it is rapidly growing. This was confirmed by the enthusiasm of the participants in the first theoretical-practical course on MLS® Laser Therapy and Qs Magnetotherapy that we organised in collaboration with our local partner Equipamed and with the support of our specialist Francisco Marquez”.

The training event, spread over two days, was attended by 25 Physiotherapists and Doctors specialised in rehabilitation from the most important centres in La Paz. 
Where, during the first session, the emphasis was placed on the theoretical aspects of MLS® and on a hands-on part with real patients, on the second day we concentrated on Qs Magnetotherapy and on the M8 device. A further training workshop on laser therapy was also held in the premises of "El Centro Integral de Rehabilitatiòn Infantil", which makes M6 and PMT Qs devices available to its patients. 

Peru at 360 degrees

Instead, the course organised in Lima for 25 specialists (Doctors and Physiotherapists) operating in the main city clinics and hospitals concentrated not only on Qs Magnetotherapy and MLS® Laser Therapy but also on Hilterapia®. Guided by the ASA specialist Salvatore Germano, those enrolled in the training course, structured in collaboration with the Peruvian distributor Intermedica Solutions, received indications relating to the technology underlying Hilterapia®, concretely seeing its advantages first hand by using HIRO TT.

“In the hands-on session, in addition to this device, we were also able to use Mphi, thus showing the benefits of MLS®, the subject of a guest lecture to 50 final year students at the Universidad Norbert Wiener. Some of these, suffering from osteoarticular disorders, directly underwent the therapy so as to concretely understand its application methods and results”.

The Peruvian mission subsequently ended with two other training sessions: the first based on Hilterapia® and on the use of HIRO TT in the MUV.ON Clinic which, at the conclusion of the proposed lessons, acquired the ASA devices such as M8, PMT Qs, Mphi and HIRO TT, the second, held in a local clinic specialised in traumatology, made Qs Magnetotherapy and M8 its key elements.

“Each device was explained in detail and was at the same time used in real time to treat several patients, including professional athletes. The many questions that were addressed to our specialist represent a clear confirmation of how all the participants deemed the therapy worthy of further study thanks to its value” concludes Salazar.

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