UK: MLS® Laser Therapy at the COPA Show

15 May 2018 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

We have been really busy during these two days. Two demos have been booked and we also have other contacts to finalise”. This is how Steve Sheldon, the Account Manager of Celtic SMR (ASAlaser’s UK partner for the human sector) comments their attendance at “Copa Series 2018” (9/10 May – ExCel Exhibition Centre, London), one of the main European events for chiropractors and physiotherapists who aim to keep updated on industry innovations. During the event, many of the “Copa Show” participants visited our distributor’s stand, where an ample space had been dedicated to the MLS® Laser Therapy devices. “In keeping with our nature of “Diagnostic & Therapy solution provider”–  Roberto Terruzzi, the ASAlaser senior Area Manager, confirms –  both our therapeutic and diagnostic devices were available at our partner’s stand. The Mphi Trolley and Mphi 5 devices, placed in a specific booth set up in the Celtic area, were also employed for practical tests aimed at verifying the simplicity of use of MLS® in addition to its effectiveness. The feedback received on-site was more than positive, thereby confirming the interest of professionals from the other side of the Channel towards our therapeutic solutions”.

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