Three workshops in Thailand on Hilterapia® and MLS®

15 April 2024 - Training -

Two leading Thai hospitals – Snriragarind Hospital in Khon Khaen and Buriram Hospital in Buriram – were the setting for three workshops focused on Hilterapia® and MLS® Laser Therapy organised by our local partner Integrated Medical Service with the active support of the ASA staff. The meetings benefited from the contribution of an important local doctor (Dr Chakarg) as speaker and moderator and received positive feedback from the participants who moreover underlined the value of the format adopted.

Giacomo Granozio, ASA Education Program Manager, further states: “the combination between outlining the Research developed and the scientific results achieved for the MiS system was particularly appreciated. The difference was mainly due to the clinical experience of Prof Ilia Todorov, MD, PhD, in charge of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Heart and Brain Center of Excellence in Burgas (Bulgaria) and ASA specialist, who presented 4 clinical cases focusing on neuropathic pain and on peripheral neuropathies. His analysis enabled providing a comprehensive picture as concerns the efficacy of this unique device for issues of nerve damage or nerve compression”.

Equally positive feedback was received with the presentation of Hilterapia®. The explanation concerning its biological effects combined with Dr Chakarg’s experience on sports patients and on degenerative joint issues led to a great involvement among the participants.

“I am enthusiastic about the interaction generated among the seminar participants: the scientific evidence certainly represented an element of excellence when focusing on the objective efficacy of our Therapeutic Solutions” Granozio concludes.

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