Thailand and Taiwan: ASAlaser therapies are on a “mission”

05 November 2018 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

6 days of mission for ASAlaser staff who landed in Thailand and Taiwan from 20th to 25th October in order to take part in important Conventions, preside over courses focusing on Hilterapia®, visit leading facilities interested in acquiring the devices developed by the company and meet local partners (IMS for Thailand and Gaia Genomics for Taiwan).

“A visit full of meetings – Giacomo Granozio, ASAlaser Export Area Manager, tells us – which confirms the great attention these countries have for our therapeutic solutions. The first confirmation came during the “16th Congress of Asian Pacific Association for Laser Medicine and Surgery” held in Bangkok, where our leading therapies achieved centre stage thanks to the speeches given by some renowned professionals”.

During the meeting, participants’ attention was also captured by the in-depth analysis by Lucio Zaghetto (ASAlaser Scientific & Educational Director) that, centred on the use of Hilterapia® in treating pain and focused on the issues of sports patients, was able to rely on the clinical experience of first-class local specialists – Dr Pichet and Dr Chakarg – with the ladies and men’s national volleyball team. The doctors respectively showed the positive outcome of treatment with MLS® Laser Therapy on the ankle ligament trauma of a volleyball player which was televised live and the results obtained with Hilterapia® when treating chronic issues.

Team ASA’s schedule continued with meetings with the local partner and with a Hilterapia® training session in a prestigious local facility – the Musculoskeletal and Sport Clinic of the BDMS WellnessClinic – destined for interns and in other facilities such as Chiang-Mai University Hospital, which acquired the therapy in April.

On 23rd and 24th October, the company staff moved to Taiwan to explore the E-DA Hospital in Kaohsiung and to visit the National Cheng Kung University Hospital (NCKU). The hospital has in fact carried out a scientific research on the use of Hilterapia® post-repair of the rotator cuff (“The effect of High Energy Laser in the treatment of patiens after rotator cuff repair”).

“Our Asian tour – concludes Granozio – ended by meeting both the representatives of the Baseball Unilions, one of the strongest teams in the country, which has an SH1 device available, and the doctors of the Tri Service General Hospital, an important local public hospital where we held a course dedicated to Hilterapia®. Six very busy days but also full of positive feedback, which enable us to look at this market with growing interest for 2019”.

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