Thailand: 2 events focusing on laser therapy & sports

31 July 2019 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

“Hilterapia® for Sport and recreational activities”  (25 July, Sirindhorn School of Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok) and “The excellence in use of Laser Therapy on Sport injuries for sport applications” (26 July, Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok) were the topics of the two workshops which focused on the use of Laser Therapy in Sports organised by IMS, ASA’s partner for Thailand.

The two meetings, chaired by Doctor Ilia Todorov (in charge of the “Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation” department at the prestigious University Hospital St. Marina in Varna) enabled participants (doctors and physiotherapists) to understand the value of Hilterapia® and of MLS® when specifically treating common issues for athletes and sports enthusiasts.

“After the initial technical-scientific introduction in order to understand our therapeutic solutions – Giacomo Granozio, ASA’s Export Area Manager, explains – the meetings continued with an in-depth clinical analysis focusing on the main physical issues which sportspersons run into. After an anatomical-physical overview of the disease and an analysis of the diagnostic and classification methods according to the latest recognised clinical classifications, Doctor Todorov then explained how to treat this with our therapies, including combined with other solutions.  To conclude, he also presented his direct experience, identifying the critical issues and environmental pressure when dealing with famous athletes”.

The theoretical presentation of ASA’s “global approach”, illustrated by a series of practical demonstrations on real patients, was particularly appreciated by attendees.

“Initiatives such as these are confirmed as having great impact on those attending who, in addition to gaining valuable information from internationally renowned speakers, are also able to open discussions among themselves, thereby generating a virtuous circle in terms of professional growth”, Granozio concludes.

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