Intercompany training: how to manage relationships and company values

26 November 2024 - Training -

“Leadership: managing relationships and company values” is the training course born from the will of El.En., Deka, Quanta Systems, Cutlite Penta and ASA. 

The objectives of the series of meetings are:

  • to connect professional figures with similar roles in the various companies of the Group
  • to create opportunities for discussion and interaction between participants
  • to provide new relational skills “to the leaders of tomorrow”. 

The training course, divided into 6 lessons, was born from the collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano - Graduate School of Management and is aimed at the company positions of “newly appointed managers” or those who “have stood out over the last 18 months for their sense of innovation and proactivity, management and problem-solving skills, relational attitudes and teamwork spirit”.

“This initiative – explains Silvia Bucciarelli, HR Manager of El.En. – has a value that goes beyond the simple provision of information and the acquisition of skills, as it aims to trigger generative knowledge within the Group by encouraging intercompany dialogue based on shared principles and language”.

Sharing is in fact the guideline of the lessons, held at the headquarters of the leading companies of the project. 

“Pooling individual experiences and different points of view – recalls Giulia Sossella, ASA HR Manager – is the premise for structuring a cohesive team that knows how to define new effective and value-based paths. This training itinerary stemmed from this desire and from the concrete will to offer an opportunity for reflection on personal motivation and personal behaviour”.

There are multiple objectives to be achieved, including, “defining the direction of change and experiencing managerial alignment mechanisms” and “moving from cognitive and emotional engagement to physical engagement”. After the sessions held at the University, El.En. and ASA, the course will continue at Quanta Systems in January and in the parent company's headquarters in Florence in February, to conclude on 27 and 28 March at the PoliMi.

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