Dr. Monica Monici responsible for ASAcampus

24 September 2007 - Research -

Dr Monica Monici, degree in Biological Sciences in 1980, is responsible for the coordination of ASAcampus, Department of Scientific Research of ASAlaser. The task of Dr. Monici, that in her resume also boasts conducting research for “IAO-Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare, Ministero Affari Esteri, Firenze”, “Istituto di Elettronica Quantistica, CNR-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Firenze” and “CLAM-Centro Laser Applicazioni Mediche, CEO-Centro di Eccellenza Optronica”, is to lead the scientific panel in the preparation of clinical research projects supported by cell research (working on the cells can be improved therapeutic protocols) in order to produce material to publish on specialized magazines and web. Her role also includes the establishment of a Scientific Committee for evaluation of the work products and the definition of a teacher’s group with regional distribution designed to follow the training on-site and on-line, in "virtual classroom" or in specific e-learning courses. <<Dr. Monici – says Lucio Zaghetto, CEO of ASAlaser – is the most suitable professional for this delicate role. Professor of Microscopy Applications of Laser Techniques for cytological analysis at University of Florence, Member of the Board of Directors ELGRA - European Low Gravity Research Association and Member of the Board of Directors AIMAS - Italian Association of Aerospace Medicine, she will guide us with tenacity and enthusiasm representing a point of reference for ASAcampus >>.


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