During the annual event organised by the International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP - Dubai, 26-31 May), two speeches were given by Monica Monici, ASAcampus Manager, which punctuated the scientific programme.
The first project, entitled “Mechanisms of Adaptation to Extreme Environments | The Exposome Signature Project”, studies the mechanisms of adaptation of the human organism to extreme environments, in particular space and the depths of the sea. The project focuses on the issues related to crew health and well-being, which are considered enabling for human deep space exploration. The results, obtained by assessing samples collected by submariners of the Italian Navy before, during and after some submarine missions lasting different times, should have an impact on the ability to plan effective countermeasures, medical care procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for future interplanetary missions.
The second speech, entitled “Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration in Space | The Suture in Space Experiment”, conducted on board the International Space Station (ISS), instead aimed to study the behaviour and healing of ex vivo (SWM) sutured wound models under unloaded conditions.
The sutures were kept intact, as was the tissue morphology, both in the ISS specimens and the controls. Significant differences were found between the ISS samples and the control samples. The most important one concerned the turnover, composition, and structure of the extracellular matrix (ECM). This could suggest that microgravity could strongly influence the tissue remodelling phase. The expression of genes involved in regulating fibroblast activation also changed markedly, suggesting an impaired fibroblast behaviour during all phases of wound healing.
These findings could provide interesting insights to understand the role of gravity and of mechanics as factors in tissue repair and to design and develop strategies for wound diagnostics and management in Space and on Earth. Last but not least, the SiS experiment could be usefully applied in Space and on Earth in the field of tissue regeneration and engineering.
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