Back to the ring thanks to laser therapy

23 March 2020 - Therapies -

It increases self-confidence, it removes stress and stimulates the production of endorphin, it allows you to unplug from the outside world by teaching you how to focus on movement and to discover the reactions of your body with the progression of training, it keeps anxiety under control and helps to manage anger: doctors have always said that boxing has a thousand benefits, underlining its value both for the mind and the body.

Men between 16 and 36 years old (data from the National Fighting Association) have understood this for some time now and, in recent years, women have also started to wear gloves to "train" the body and the mind. An example is Valentina Bustamante, a physiotherapist and competitive boxer.

“I have always played sports, but in 2016 I approached boxing, practising it immediately at a competitive level, so much so that in 4 years I have fought 52 matches. A demanding course with a clear final goal: to switch to professionalism. An evolution which implies a change of approach both when training and during a match, which is longer, more demanding and with greater traumas". 

In a recent interview, Dr Loris Pegoli (specialist in orthopaedics and surgery, the reference physician of Wrist and Hand Surgery at the Humanitas San Pio X Clinic in Milan) warns of the traumatic component which characterises the various problems which amateur and professional boxers may encounter. 

“Where for those who practice boxing as a pure training sport, the most frequent trauma, because of incorrect wrist twists, is the injury of the so-called triangular fibrocartilage complex, a group of ligaments which stabilises the wrist joint between the radius and the ulna, for professional sportsmen, instead, the main problem are fractures of the metacarpal bones. Furthermore, repetitive traumas can lead to cartilage lesions, post traumatic osteoarthritis and ligament injuries: the most serious is that of the scapholunate ligament in the wrist. Pain when bending the wrist, such as when shaking hands, for example, instability and loss of strength are the main symptoms of ligament injuries of the wrist, while haematoma, swelling and the limitation of motility because of the pain are the most common characteristics of fractures”.

To effectively treat the pathologies which commonly arise, laser therapy has also proved to be a valid support, promoting a rapid reduction of pain, inflammation and an improvement of joint function

“As an athlete, training several times a day - Valentina confirms - I always need some help to recover and to cope with those more or less serious injuries which can occur. Laser therapy has proven to be very effective in many instances. In particular ASA’s HIRO TT, which is based on the principle of heat exchange, by combining the pulsed Nd: YAG laser source with a cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin and of the underlying tissues, gave me complete support both during the pre-match phase, when there is a very intense work load, and during the post-match phase, for recovery. I often have problems with my shoulders but thanks to the HIRO TT treatments, I can train continuously and best tackle the matches, often close together. The effect generated by the therapy is instant: the benefits are felt immediately after the session (or even during!). Understanding that the problem is being solved is an important added value, both physically, by rapidly decreasing the pain and inflammation which may be present, and mentally, because it provides a feeling of security". 

Ready to box?

As HIRO TT is based on the principle of heat exchange, by combining the pulsed Nd: YAG laser source with a cooling system which lowers the temperature of the skin and of the underlying tissues, it provides complete support both during the pre-match phase, when there is a very intense load, and during the post-match phase, for recovery.

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