Juan José Bernal - EsportMedicine
21 September 2021
I believe that a doctor who wants to give the best to their patients and who aims to reach the top of their knowledge and technology has no other choice.
Piast Gliwice - MLS laser treatment
21 December 2020
We have the equipment, that is highly intuitive to use and what we have noticed is that its usage, accelerates the recovery from injuries
Francisco Marquez using M6 laser device
20 July 2020
Combining therapies for an even faster and more effective resolution of specific pathologies: ASA has developed its therapeutic solutions to this end, and when correctly combined, they have proven to...
Wei-Chun Hsu - ASA training session
10 April 2020
Training is part of ASA’s DNA; the ‘endless education’ has always been one of its main strengths, especially on an international level, thanks to the organisation of courses and seminars for doctors...
ASA Research Division
26 March 2020
There is a close connection between the growth of ASA and the scientific production in the biomedical field. Since its inception, the company understood how important a role research would play in...
Valentina Rivetti Centro Virola e Hilterapia
24 January 2020
The decision to include Hilterapia® among the therapeutic solutions available to my customers was a well thought out one, but it has certainly become the best choice I have ever made! Effective, with...