“I choose the ASA laser devices because they are a guarantee of safety, reliability and performance”: Daniele Titi's experience

From Mphi, with which he started his business, to M-Hi was a short step, even though a lot of time has gone by. Daniele Titi, physiotherapist, osteopath and part of the staff supporting the Italian MTB national team, is aware of this. His studio in the province of Teramo which, as he himself claims, "could only be called "Fisiotiti", displays two "made in ASA" devices: MiS and the newborn M-Hi.

Two systems that have contributed to revolutionising the approach to the patient and the results obtainable for the better. Titi is convinced of this and as he mainly specialises in the treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal problems, he is also used to dealing with diseases that affect athletes. Athletes who, when blocked by injuries and pain, must be able to rely on rapid and continuous results in order not to be left behind.

Two significant pluses for those who cannot compromise on performance, but also for those who simply want to overcome the pain or limitations linked to specific diseases. Are MLS® and the M-Hi device any help with this?
Undoubtedly. The various merits of M-Hi in fact include being able to offer the patient almost immediate results and at the same time to ensure the beneficial effect of the laser application lasts for a long time. This essentially determines a reduction in the number of sessions a patient must undergo or an extension of the time between one application and the next. This interval is essential for the body to react to the stimulation generated by MLS® Laser Therapy.

An important added value…
Which is an important addition to the other strengths of M-Hi. For example, what comes to mind is its peak power, higher than that of Mphi, and the quality of its laser light, in my opinion superior to that of the device with which I began my journey together with ASA many years ago. However, its uniqueness is given by the MDR protocols and the resulting guarantee of effectiveness. For example: should I decide to use a program to treat a problem "x" I know that I will obtain a result "y". A certainty, both for me and for the patient.

Well then, how does the patient approach and perceive the results obtained following the treatment?
Often, with surprise, such as to thank me. Being able to count on immediate and continuous results helps to restore well-being and an unhoped for quality of life. But not only that: the application of MLS®, with MiS or M-Hi, goes beyond the simple laser therapy treatment as perceived in the collective imagination. With MLS® you have an out-and-out experience that focuses on the patient and generates a virtuous circle immediately perceived by those who undergo the session. It is no coincidence that I like to refer to it as the “MLS®” method”.

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Due sistemi che hanno contribuito a rivoluzionare in meglio l’approccio al paziente e i risultati ottenibili. Ne è convinto Titi che, specializzato soprattutto nel trattamento di problematiche muscolo-scheletriche acute e croniche, è abituato a fronteggiare anche le patologie che colpiscono gli atleti. Atleti che, se bloccati da infortuni e dolore, per non perdere il passo devono poter contare su risultati rapidi e continuativi.

Due plus non secondari per chi non può scendere a compromessi in materia di performance, ma anche per chi vuole semplicemente dare scacco al dolore o alle limitazioni legate a specifiche patologie. MLS® e il dispositivo M-Hi sono d’aiuto in questo?
Indubbiamente. Tra i diversi meriti di M-Hi c’è infatti quello di riuscire a offrire al paziente dei risultati pressoché immediati e al contempo di far permanere l’effetto benefico dell’applicazione laser a lungo. Ciò determina, in buona sostanza, una riduzione del numero di sedute cui sottoporsi o un allungamento dei tempi tra un’applicazione e l’altra. Questo intervallo è indispensabile affinché il corpo reagisca alla stimolazione generata dalla Laserterapia MLS®.

Un valore aggiunto importante…
Che si aggiunge anche ad altri punti di forza di M-Hi. Penso, ad esempio, alla sua potenza di picco, superiore rispetto a quella di Mphi, e alla qualità della sua luce laser, a mio giudizio superiore rispetto a quella del dispositivo con cui ho iniziato il mio percorso insieme ad ASA tanti anni fa. A farne però un unicum sono i protocolli MDR e la garanzia di efficacia che ne deriva. Esemplificando: se decido di utilizzare un programma per trattare un problema “x” so che otterrò un risultato “y”. Una sicurezza, sia per me che per il paziente.

Ecco, come si approccia e come recepisce i risultati ottenuti in seguito al trattamento il paziente?
In modo spesso sorpreso, tanto da ringraziarmi. Poter contare su risultati immediati e continuativi concorre a restituire benessere e qualità di vita insperata. Ma non solo: l’applicazione di MLS®, con MiS o M-Hi, va oltre il semplice trattamento di laserterapia come percepito nell’immaginario collettivo. Con MLS® si sperimenta una vera e propria esperienza che mette al centro il paziente e genera un circolo virtuoso subito percepito da chi si sottopone alla seduta. Non a caso mi piace parlare di “metodo MLS®”.

Which method, based on your experience, is particularly effective and in which contexts?
The areas in which the application of MLS® Laser Therapy is successful are truly numerous: to date, I have obtained the most interesting results in particular when treating arthritic conditions. Specific programs for their treatment make a very strong contribution to improving the patient's condition. ASA's technology is also decisive when dealing with shoulder issues, which are particularly complex.

What makes ASA devices and MLS® Laser Therapy unique in relation to what you see in your outpatient practice?
Before arriving at ASA, I had the opportunity to experiment and test various other devices, but when it came to choosing which ones to include in my studio, I had no doubts. ASA systems offer me the real possibility of obtaining a concrete and tangible reference of the quality of the tissue. A non-secondary factor to understand how to best intervene, reducing pain and inflammation and restoring movement when blocked.

What if you had to summarise the merits of the company's devices in three adjectives?
Safety, versatility and intuitiveness. Safety because they do not generate burns, skin lesions or rebound effects. Versatility because, thinking about M-Hi specifically, it can easily and comfortably follow me everywhere. Intuitiveness because the programs guide the physiotherapist step by step and, even if you don't know the device perfectly, you feel extremely confident in handling it and offering tangible results.

Do you think that the ASA devices have contributed to improving the quality of your work, both in terms of modus operandi and of results?
I chose ASA as a partner some time ago: the technologies they develop and the devices they produce are a guarantee for obtaining positive results, for giving the patient an immediate perception of the value of the treatment they have undergone and for reducing the number of sessions needed for achieving the well-being goals that have been set.

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