Supporting athletes during their physical pain, helping them to regain the best condition for competitiveness is a passion even before a job for Doctor Ivan Peristi. A specialist also in sports physiotherapy (at Dolomiti Physiocenter in Ortisei, Italy), he provides athletes and physical activity enthusiasts who are the victims of injuries and trauma caused by continued efforts, close competitions, constant training or “accidents” during competitions, with innovative treatments whose value has been scientifically confirmed.
Among these, a leading role is that of Hilterapia® which Doctor Peristi discovered thanks to the recommendation of a colleague, who employs laser to treat musculoskeletal pain.
“By doing some research on the Internet – explains the physiotherapist – I came across Hilterapia® and HIRO 3.0: both immediately impressed me as I found that they were different from the lasers and machines commonly used for physiotherapy. I immediately got in touch with ASAlaser to obtain further information. The company gave me the opportunity to try the therapy and the device free of charge, in order to concretely verify their effectiveness. During the trial period, I was able to ascertain their value and I understood that Hilterapia® had to be among the therapeutic solutions available in my practice”.
Q. What convinced you?
A. Hilterapia® is a true pulsed Yag laser, not a diode one like common lasers on the market. This enables having much higher power peaks which stimulate tissue regeneration. The work method it allows is also different: thanks to its features, application can be more dynamic and fluid on tissues.
Q. One of your specialisations is sports physiotherapy: do you think ASAlaser’s laser therapy is valid for treating issues linked to the world of sports?
A. Absolutely. One of the advantages of Hilterapia® is the immediate reduction of pain and a clear feeling of reduction of the contracture perceived by the athlete. However, one of the most important features from the athlete’s point of view is the fast recovery time and therefore a quick return to his/her activities.
Q. For which issues is it particularly effective?
A. For treating muscular dysfunctions such as contractures and trigger points, but Hilterapia® also provides excellent results for acute tendinopathies. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the tendon on the one hand and to the de-contracting effect on the muscles involved, it enables achieving important results even after a few sessions.
Q. Any cases confirming this?
A. I recently had a professional biathlon athlete among my patients, who during a sprint suffered a serious tear to the quadriceps. By also treating him with Hilterapia® he was able to resume training without any symptoms in only 3 weeks. A notable success given that this was a professional with a full schedule of competitions!
Q. Based on your direct experience, do you think that Hilterapia® has the potential to become part of the daily practice of those in your profession?
A. I would certainly recommend it to a colleague, especially because it is very versatile and can be used for treating most musculoskeletal problems.
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