Turkey: the Fenerbahce sports club also chooses Hilterapia®

18 April 2016 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

The first ASAlaser 2016 quarter in Turkish territory ends with a positive result: Elsa, our exclusive local partner for the Pain Management segment, has in fact obtained a new success in the sports field by finalising a partnership with Fenerbahce Spor Kulübü. The agreement has been sealed by installing the Hilterapia® SH1 system utilised by the medical staff to treat the football players of the team which participates in the main tournament together with Galatasaray, the well-known sports society from Istanbul. “The team of physiotherapists, coordinated by Dr. Burak Kunduracıoğlu, is very satisfied with the results which have been obtained with Hilterapia® -said Hüseyin Yaraneri, the owner of Elsa- They are really happy with the device..”.
“The interest demonstrated and the results once again obtained – stated Roberto Terruzzi, the ASAlaser Senior Area Manager - are an additional confirmation of how the HILT® laser is becoming the international reference therapy in the field of sports medicine”.

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