Master Class in Russia

18 February 2013 - Corporate -

Great success for the Master Class organized by ASAlaser in Moscow (4/6 February). With the support of Beka - exclusive distributor of devices and therapies ASAlaser in Russia – the staff company has also had the opportunity to present the therapies in some of the most important local clinics. << Russia -  Lucio Zaghetto, CEO of ASAlaser, says - is one of our most important partner, thanks to the collaboration of our distributor that gives us opportunities to organize training session in some of the most prestigious local institutes >>. One example is "Longway 80/120", clinic where ASAlaser’s team has had the chance to interface with specialists with proven experience as Dr. Vitaly Leonidovich Bank, head of Department of Preventive Medicine and Restorative Institute in Moscow. <<I’m specialized in physiotherapy  - Dr. Bank explains - and the opportunity to enter into a relationship with ASAlaser and Hilterapia® has been very useful. I have personally followed by Dr. Zaghetto that, in addition to clarifying the application of therapy, has deepened the differences compared to traditional laser therapy. If the theoretical part of the training was very informative, the practice session was amazing. We have already supplied Hiro 3.0, now it’s time to put into practice what learned during the Master. Thanks to ASAlaser and distributor Beka we have an optimal treatment for patients >>.


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