Hilterapia® at the FINA World Championships 2017

01 August 2017 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

Our local Hungarian partner, Med. Device Kft., supported the medical team coordinated by Doctor Merkely Bèla, Chief Medical Officer, at the FINA World Championships held from 14th to 30th July. MLS®, Hilterapia® and Magneto Qs® devices were supplied to the World Swimming Championship in Budapest in order to ensure the best therapeutic results to the swimmers who turned to the Medical Team. In particular, Hilterapia® was the absolute star, thanks also to the portable SH1 device, which provides a guarantee of efficiency in the sports world. The World Swimming Championships in Budapest were a great source of pride not just because of the medals won by our Italian National Team, but also because our devices are considered the best for prestigious sports events such as these.

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