Georgia: la Scientific Practical Conference da il via al progetto “Pain Management Center”

03 May 2019 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

The 2019 edition of the Scientific Practical Conference (25th April - Borjomi Likani, Georgia) dedicated to "Technological Innovations in XXI Century Rehabilitation" was an opportunity for ASA to concretely verify the fruits of its structured strategy for disseminating its therapeutic solutions in Russia.

“During the Conference, which was also attended by our local partner Beka Rus – explains Giacomo Granozio, ASA’s Export Area Manager – we were able to have an exchange of opinions with Professor David Tatishvili, creator of the project which is the basis of this event and a customer of ours: recently in fact, he incorporated all ASA therapies in his clinic "David Tatishvili Health Center", in addition to being the first professional in Georgia to request the HIRO TT device. On the strength of our Laser Therapy and Magnetotherapy therapeutic solutions, Doctor Tatishvili implemented the first “Pain Management Center” in his country, which aims to provide the most appropriate treatment for each clinical condition to each patient”.

The positive feedback gained by the first Centre convinced the specialist to promote and support the opening of new “Pain Management Centers” in other areas of Georgia, which will incorporate all ASA therapies.
An ambitious project, which intends to highlight the country’s Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy field, improving the life condition and well-being of patients.

“Last but not least– concludes Granozio – by proposing itself as a multidisciplinary centre capable of answering the needs of different types of patients, the “Pain Management Center”, can also be an important point of reference for hospitals too, whose various departments (geriatric oncology, etc. etc.) can steer patients there safely. The rehabilitation format offered will not only benefit patients, but also doctors who will be able to rely on optimal results in terms of efficacy and times, and by extension, the entire public health sector which could therefore bridge the gap which often exists between diagnostics and therapeutics”.

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