An Amazon bestseller promotes MLS® for curing chronic headaches

09 October 2018 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

Break Away – The New Method for Treating Chronic Headaches, Migraines and TMJ Without Medication”, an Amazon-Bestseller written by Doctor Fred Abeles, a leading worldwide expert in curing chronic headache and temporo-mandibular issues has no doubts: MLS® is decisive in checkmating migraines and headaches, thereby avoiding the massive use of medication.

The merits of the ASAlaser therapy were outlined by the self-same specialist during an interview with “Daytime” on Channel 8 (a digital channel based in Florida). In addition to being a successful author, the Doctor is also a Director of the “Atlanta Center for TMJ” and the Regional Director of the “Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies”.

“I have no doubts, – he explained – nothing compares with this therapy in terms of effectiveness and safety. MLS® Laser Therapy is based on using the homonymous impulse, the result of two combined and synchronised laser emissions which are exploited simultaneously and safely, thereby maximising the obtainable results of pain reduction. In practical terms, MLS® produces controlled and non-dangerous thermal effects, stimulates biochemical reactions and vasodilation, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the treated area. The moderate vasodilation helps to resolve the inflammatory process. An out-and-out innovation which allows treating chronic headaches, migraines, but also temporo-mandibular issues without medicines, quickly and with no contraindications”.

A pioneer in the field of chronic pain, Doctor Fred Abeles therefore promotes MLS® Laser Therapy as a new frontier of “pain management”, also defining it as a “major technological innovation, using a high-performance robotised device for its application”, produced in Italy by ASAlaser.

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