
Research - 2021
It is called Neptune and it is a project involving comparative studies of physiology and biology between astronauts on the International Space Station and the crews of Italian submarines.
Therapies - 2021
Epicondylitis, rotator cuff inflammation and tendinitis are some of the most common issues and laser therapy has proved to be valuable for their effective treatment.
Therapies - 2021
To prevent accidents which could put a stop to the winter season, laser therapy is a boon.
Therapies - 2021
To recover your fitness after a mountain accident or to act on prevention, MLS® Laser Therapy and Hilterapia® are particularly effective.
Corporate - 2021
The MLS® Laser Therapy device dedicated to animal health was chosen by the Permanent Design Observatory of the Association for Industrial Design, for publication in the ADI Design Index 2021.
Corporate - 2021
Among its different uses, laser therapy also proves to be effective during the post-COVID rehabilitation phase. As stated by Paolo Salvadeo, General Director of El.En of which ASA has been an...