ASA: a record-breaking first quarter

20 April 2021 - Corporate -

The company that specializes in the manufacturing of laser therapy and magnetotherapy devices for the human and veterinary physical rehabilitation sectors marks the beginning of 2021 with international growth, recording double-digit percentage increases in sales in both Europe and Asia. A result that comes from the constant investments made even in 2020.

The first quarter of 2021 marks a historic record for ASA: breaking through the milestone of 3 million euros, the company registers the best performance of the last 5 years in the first 3 months of activity, thanks to a significant increase in sales of its therapies both for the human sector (MLS® Laser Therapy, Hilterapia®, Qs Magnetotherapy) and the veterinary one (MLS® Laser Therapy, Vet Qs Magnetotherapy) worldwide.

Tutto Schermo
ASA laser device manufacturing

The numbers are the result of the strategy developed and applied consistently throughout 2020, during which the company not only never suspended production – although drastically reduced at certain times of the year – but continued to invest in training and in the implementation of its sales and after-sales network, especially for the Vet field.

An intervention plan that made it possible to close the annus horribilis with profit; a year that, marked by lockdowns and limitations imposed by the pandemic, led the company to make use of the ordinary redundancy fund for short periods with different methods for each department, and to make smart working a best practice (over 7000 hours of agile work in 2020).

“In a situation of extreme difficulty like last year’s,’ explained Roberto Marchesini, ASA’s General Manager, ‘we considered it appropriate to reward the great availability and commitment of our employees by allocating, to partially compensate the contraction in remuneration due to the COVID-19 Redundancy Fund, a greater amount than ever distributed in previous years. Furthermore, in 2020, the bonuses were not only based on sales results, but also considered the commitment made in carrying out actions aimed at maintaining our position on the market. An example of this is the recognition linked to the number of webinars and online training activities carried out in 2020 intended to shorten the distances and maintain a constant connection with distributors, loyal customers, and possible new clients and partners”. 

A busy calendar for the development of new products, training sessions, and thematic training meetings, studied ad-hoc based on the needs of the countries involved, represented the base and the condition for structuring the restart. A work that involved all the company’s departments and that has allowed us to start 2021 with double-digit percentage growth, as confirmed by the excellent performance in Asia, with South Korea in the lead, and in Europe, with France and England bringing valuable results.
The response from the domestic market was also significant, showing interesting signs of recovery, as evidenced by the +15% on the target budget for Q1 2021 in terms of sales of rehabilitation and physiotherapy devices in the human and veterinary field. 

“It is undeniable that 2020 was complex; it forced us to revisit consolidated operating methods and, at the same time, to develop new paradigms that respond to the changed and real needs of our customers without ever betraying ASA’s original roots: research, innovation, and international imprint. We have concluded a difficult 2020 by investing and presenting new Therapeutic Solutions; we look to the near future with great attention, aware that there is a lot to develop to give life to a recovery that is solid, structured, and continuous’, concluded Marchesini.

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