ADI Design Index 2021: prestigious recognition for M-VET

27 October 2021 - Corporate -

Therapeutic and functional efficacy marry design, obtaining international acclaim not only from the world of veterinary medicine, but also from that of industrial design: for this harmonization of factors, M-VET was chosen by the Permanent Design Observatory of the ADI (Association of Industrial Design) for publication in the ADI Design Index 2021, the second volume of the two-year cycle that gathers the pre-selected products for the Compasso d’Oro ADI Award 2022 and for the National Award for Innovation.

Tutto Schermo

‘We are proud that our device received acclaim for the design behind it. This element is a further strength of the device, as it helps define its identity and recognizability,’ explains Roberto Marchesini, ASA’s General Manager.

A recognition that is the result of an integrated study between ASA and AMV Design, whose team was involved in the challenge of designing ‘a product that would have to be one of a kind’, explains Paolo Varotto, Design and Engineering Manager, co-founder of AMV Design.

‘The initial inputs to develop it,’ says Varotto, ‘were decisive for our study: we had to create a device that, in addition to being portable, both by hand and via shoulder strap, would contain a large display and, last but not least, would be used both on a desk or trolley. It would also have to be able to carry the optical fibre and the handpiece on board and have dual power, cable and battery. All within a small space but easy for maintenance.’

Study, research, and a good deal of risk led to the creation of M-VET.

‘There were many unknowns in the process, but the challenge was stimulating. To reach the goal I relied on lateral thinking, which leads to new paths to experiment with rather than the one you are used to. The path we decided to take was based on a clear choice: having a single element that would be both internal structure and external dress, directly using a light, elastic, shockproof material that would at the same time be sufficiently solid to contain and protect the technological heart inside. By doing that, we could save space, weight, and enormously reduce the number of components in the assembly phase.’

A gamble that has proved successful, having led to the creation of a product that has no precedents on the market.

‘Each ASA device aims to be the synthesis of technological and therapeutic efficacy and design and aesthetics: Italian Industrial Design is an internationally recognized excellence, and being able to be ambassadors thanks to this device is a true privilege,’ concludes Marchesini.

Read the press release

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