Clinica Mobile and ASAlaser: continuity through a new beginning. Interview with Dr. Michele Zasa, medical director of the Travelling Hospital

Eight seasons alongside the MotoGP riders, supporting them in the preparation and at the end of every competition. Eight championships directly lived "on track", giving its contribution to the staff of Clinica Mobile. ASAlaser reaches this important milestone in 2014, year marked by a significant handover inside the Travelling Hospital. Its founder Dr. Claudio Marcello Costa, has passed the baton to Dr. Michele Zasa, a long time member of the Clinica’s team. A new beginning, but marked by continuity. Even for the 2014’s championship, Hilterapia® has been a guarantee for the doctors and the physical therapists of the Clinica that, in the last four races of 2014 have also counted on the help of MLS®. Dr. Zasa, who has chosen to keep on working with ASA, is now ready to make an initial assessment of the renewed partnership.

Q. Clinica Mobile has started 2014 and the new MotoGP Championship with a changing of the guard. Dr. Claudio Costa has in fact passed the baton to you. Now that the championship is nearly over, what is your assessment of your first season as head doctor?
A. The first season has gone very well. My partner Dr. Guido Dalla Rosa Prati and I, with all the staff, are extremely pleased. We were convinced of the quality of the project, despite the initial fear: we collected a challenging legacy from Dr. Costa made of 40 years of experience. The results show that we have worked very well: a large number of riders and operators of the paddock who have come to the Clinica Mobile however have found a great help in solving all the problems they have had time after time. Now the challenge will be to maintain and possibly improve these standards.

Q. Among your responsibilities there is also the evaluation of the partners to have at your side during the season. How did you choose to confirm ASAlaser and its treatment as daily supports?
A. It hasn’t been a difficult choice: ASAlaser is recognized as a leader in the laser sector, providing high-level technology to operators. I’ve been offered a lot of equipment for physical therapy, but in agreement with the physiotherapists we have preferred to use only a few effective devices, the ones that could give a significant contribution to our activity.

Q. Had you ever heard about ASAlaser before your experience in Clinica Mobile?
A. Working in the Clinica Mobile during Dr. Costa’s management, I’ve been knowing ASAlaser for years as our historical partner, and its treatment have been a valuable help to our daily activity.

Q. Talking about the long-standing relationship between ASAlaser and Clinica Mobile, which are the values and goals that have allowed these two companies to share a common path for such a long time?
A. Both companies have in common the desire to provide a high quality service, to improve and to seek innovative solutions. ASAlaser considers Clinica Mobile the referential medical team in the motorcycling world where the best use of its products is possible and at the same time Clinica Mobile finds in ASAlaser and in its therapeutic solutions an excellent partner.

Q. To make your decision have you listened to the opinions of the physiotherapists who have been using ASAlaser’s therapies for several season? How important has been their evaluation to confirm the collaboration? A. Their opinions have been certainly crucial because, being in the field, they can take advantage of the benefits of a therapy by instrument. All the physiotherapists who have been supporting me this year had already collaborated with Dr. Costa, and therefore had already verified the effectiveness of ASAlaser’s therapies.

Q. Compared to your experience, regardless of the effectiveness of the treatment, which are the strengths of the company that meet the needs of Clinica Mobile?
A. The great attention to our needs and the promptness in responding to our requests are two basic points for our activities and ASA suits them both.

Q. ASAlaser has always believed in continuous training. Your staff has been involved in targeted sessions functional to the best use of therapies. Can you give your opinion about it?
A. In my opinion, the training and the periodic review of the knowledge are important in any field. As this has been the first year of activity, we haven’t be able to devote to training initiatives the space that I would have liked to. Anyway, by the end of the year, we are going to organize with ASAlaser a couple of training sessions for my staff.

Q. In addition to Hilterapia® the staff of Clinica Mobile can also count on MLS® Laser Therapy, which, thanks to its easy to carry devices, can "operate" on the field with more agility. Do you consider it a benefit to your job?
A. Having a mobile option is a great help for us considering not only the huge amount of daily work, but also the atypical scenarios in which we operate. MLS® is lightweight and easy to use, characteristics that are very functional for us.

Q. Regarding your vision, what is the importance of therapies by instruments in a sport like motorcycling?
A. The therapy by instruments is essential, but I think it is equally important as having a professional experience in manual therapy, knowing when and how to use the laser to optimize the response to the treatment. In numbers: manual therapy is 60% / 70% of the work, while the rest is due to therapy by instrument. Values that should not be considered reductive, because the success of a treatment is the result of the correct and appropriate application of both.

Q. In a medium term vision, how do you imagine the future of Clinica Mobile?
A. The goal for the future will remain the same continuing to work at our best in helping motorcycle riders. Maybe also expanding our operating range, supporting the centaurs even at an early stage, through a health and wellness project that supervises them during their preparation.

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