Dr. Francesco Atzeni, physiotherapist and CEMES’s coordinator

The link between ASAlaser’s therapies and the sports world is getting closer as MLS® Laser Therapy and Hilterapia® continue to demonstrate their effectiveness by taking part in "muscle" competitions supporting the athletes even during the performance. After the edurance trail of the "Tor Des Geants" where MLS® has confirmed its value allowing runners to recover and to finish the race, it has been the turn of the Half Marathon of Vicenza. In the CEMES (Medical Center of Physical Vicenza) stand, sponsor of the event, was present all the material to know better Hilterapia®.
«For security reasons related to the proper use of the laser, which requires to wear protective glasses (the therapist as well the patient), we couldn’t provide this treatment during the event, but we have given the possibility for all those who participated in the competition to test a cycle of Hilterapia® in the following weeks. The goal was to quickly resolve muscle and tendon pain resulting from their effort during the run».
Author of the clarification is Dr. Francesco Atzeni, physiotherapist and CEMES’s coordinator who uses ASAlaser therapies in his profession since long time.
«I knew ASAlaser therapies in the first half of the 90s when I was a trainee of physical therapy in the hospital, during a course for rehabilitation therapists. The first laser I used was the COMBI, always produced by ASA». From one of the first devices to those ones of the latest generation the step was short also thanks to the acknowledged efficacy of MLS® and Hilterapia®.

Q. In the Center where you're the coordinator are available to patients Hiro 3.0 and SH1 for Hilterapia®. What makes the pulse HILT® different from other lasers and what are the features that you most appreciate of the two devices?
A. Given that I consider the laser among the few physical therapy really effective, the characteristics that make HIRO 3.0 and SH1 “particular” laser are the specific details of the pulse that allows a rapid reduction of pain and inflammation, with a low thermal risk for the patient. Especially the DJD handpiece of HIRO 3.0 is a true "chisel" to treat tissues difficult to reach with the traditional handpieces due to the reflection and scattering phenomena.

Q. On what occasions has Hilterapia® been particularly effective?
A. In the early stages of diseases of biomechanics origin of the musculoskeletal system where, in my opinion, Hilterapia® is the gold standard in physical therapy. I am referring, specifically, to very recent traumatic disorders, such as tendonitis, muscle strains, snags, where there is no postural component.

Q. What is your opinion about the use of Hilterapia® in postural syndromes?
A. In these circumstances, Hilterapia® is effective as long as combined with an appropriate rehabilitation program. Without it, the results will be only partial. Some examples? All the painful events that concern the athletes originating from technical gesture and that are not the result of a real traumatism.

Q. What is the role of training for the professional, who uses the laser, in the final outcome for the patient?
A. Laser is a therapy that allows to obtain good results, sometimes striking, but its effectiveness also depends on who uses the device. The training of the therapist to the equipment use, in addition to the fundamental capacity to assess the clinical condition, can make a big difference in therapeutic responses obtained on the patient.

Q. We assume the preparation of the therapist in the use of Laser Therapy and shift the focus on the combination Hilterapia®&Run, thinking about the Half Marathon of Vicenza. What are the diseases that runners face and for which ASAlaser therapy can be invaluable?
A. The diseases that commonly are unleashed in runners during the competition, in particular in those who do marathons, half marathons or however long distances, are tendonitis, in particular those on insertional Achilles tendon and goosefoot, but also plantar fasciitis, rachialgia - but they deserve a separate discussion - and small muscle strains. In all these cases, early treatment with Hilterapia® can shorten the recovery time of up to 50% and in many cases prevent chronicity.

Q. As physiotherapist involved in sports, what do you look for in a therapy?
A. In the treatment of sport diseases I don’t’ look for only simply homeostasis, but, above all, the possibility that a tissue will soon be able to be subjected to severe physical and chemical stress, such as those produced by the sports activities. Shorten recovery time is positive but we must be able to assess when an athlete can return to make certain efforts or technical gestures.

Q. Does Hilterapia® go in this direction?
A. Hilterapia® not only speeds up the healing process, but in my personal experience, used for two or three sessions even after reaching the therapeutic goal, allows a more rapid recovery of sports performance.

Q. Is there a suggestion that will you give to your colleagues who approach ASAlaser’s therapy?
A. To the colleagues who use Hilterapia® I always recommend spending a few more minutes in the assessment and then focus on the effect they want to achieve before turning on the unit. In the treatment of pain I absolute prefer to perform most of the processing in the points mode or with a slow scan in order to achieve a high dose of Joule in relation to the treated surface: the dose per square centimeter affects the type and speed of the response to therapy.

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