Laser Therapy: all the disorders on which it is effective

12 February 2019 - Therapies -

Laser Therapy influences

In the medical field, laser is used for surgical (laser surgery) and therapeutic (laser therapy) applications. In particular, laser therapy is a physical therapy which can influence various biological mechanisms in the body through the use of laser:

  • heat tissues, for immediate relief from joint or muscle pain and stiffness;
  • stimulate local vascular functionality, in order to relax muscles and to reduce inflammation, oedema and painful symptoms;
  • promote cellular metabolism in order to stimulate tissue repair processes and functional recovery.

Thanks to its effects on pain, oedema and inflammation, this is a technique which is widely used in physiotherapy, rehabilitation and, more in general, in the field of pain management.


Pathologies which can be treated successfully with Laser Therapy

  • OSTEOARTICULAR DISORDERS, a group of pathologies which includes issues which highly impact the quality of life and which mainly affect the mature population, such as osteoarthrosis and joint pain in general. For example, laser therapy is useful to deal with various aspects of osteoarthrosis, with the aim of reducing inflammation in the articular capsule, relieve pain symptoms, reduce functional disability (by acting on the muscles), reduce periarticular oedema, thereby contributing to maintaining a good standard of quality of life and controlling the use of pain relief through medication which is often associated with significant collateral effects, particularly for elderly patients who take medication for various pathologies on a continuous basis.
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  • NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS, which affect in particular a young and active population, often associated with neurological and muscular fatigue or which originate from sports injuries. For example, neuromuscular diseases which affect the lumbar and cervical area of the spine are very common and recurring, going so far as to compromise the quality of life and the work capability of patients. Systemic pain relief medication is often used to manage pain, with the well-known side effects, or manual therapies including massage and physical exercise. Laser therapy can be used with a key role in the treatment plan thanks to its action on pain modulation, on muscle relaxation and on improving micro-circulation. In addition to having a value per se, all these actions also enable the patient to best follow the physical exercise plan with continuity, helping muscles to recover after stretching and minimising fatigue which may occur after physical exercise.
  • TENDINOPATHIES, a family which groups together painful issues affecting tendons and the related areas. These diseases are very common in athletes, a population which is responsive to the possibility of shortening recovery times and returning to a high performance. In the field of sports traumatology, the anti-inflammatory, anti-oedema and analgesic effect of laser therapy can help to resolve painful symptoms and local swelling, assisting sports recovery and accelerating the return to competitions. Another aspect concerns tendinopathies caused by employment activities which include repetitive movements. In addition to compromising the quality of life in general, these also affect the work capacity of patients. In these cases, in addition to the already described advantages, a speedier recovery of functional capacities allows reducing work absences.
  • OEDEMA/HAEMATOMA, respectively linked to pathological conditions of the lymphatic and circulatory system. An oedema is the result of an imbalance in the filtering system between interstitial spaces and capillaries, in particular, lymphoedema occurs when a protein-rich fluid accumulates in the interstitial space. A haematoma on the other hand, is an anomalous collection of blood outside the blood vessels which occurs after damage to vein, artery or capillary walls. The action of laser therapy on promoting micro-circulation and lymphatic drainage can provide a valuable contribution to treating these issues, often associated with traumatic events.
  • TISSUE DAMAGE, that is trauma damage to the soft tissues which can affect various anatomical regions. Tissue repair is through precise biological phases which need to occur in succession and harmoniously in order to avoid incomplete or fibrotic repairs. Laser therapy is a treatment which can promote tissue healing and functional recovery thanks to specific biological mechanisms which occur both at tissue level (i.e. remodelling extracellular matrix, modulation of inflammatory processes, induction of myogenesis) and at cellular level (induction of differentiating processes, release of growth promoters and other substances).

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