Successful treatment for neuropathic pain with MLS®: a case study

S. R. Olmos
Energy for Health [15] (2016)

Recent reports show that nearly half of adult Americans are living with chronic pain and one quarter are at high risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep breathing disorder (SBD). The relationship between chronic pain and sleep is well documented. However, patients seeking treatment for pain symptoms have historically been treated independently from those seeking treatment for SBDs.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the benefits of the MLS® laser system for the treatment of typical neuralgia of the lingual nerve and the comorbidity of chronic pain and sleep related breathing disorders.
A 66 year-old male was referred to our office for the relief of left mandibular episodic facial pain neuralgia. The patient had refractory treatment relief from two different anti-convulsant medications directed from different neurologists. The patient was screened in our office and referred to a Board Certified Sleep Physician and found positive for OSA (obstructive sleep apnea). The patient was treated with OAT (oral appliance therapy), MLS® laser and CPAP. The patient had complete elimination of his chronic pain and discontinued his medications and continues to be free of pain two years later.
These results establish the efficacy of the MLS® laser in the treatment of neuropathy and in combination with the treatment of OSA and bruxism as a mechanism for nerve entrapment demonstrates a long-term cure.