Therapeutic approach with HILT-therapy in the pathology of the shoulder with tenosynovitis of the omeral biceps

R. Saggini, R. G. Bellomo, V. Baldassarre
1st congress on Hilterapia®, 2006

Place: Medicine and physics of rehabilitation, university of Chieti.
Purpose: evaluation of the effectiveness of HILT therapy in the treatment of the tenosynovitis of the omeral biceps.
Method: 30 patients were enrolled and divided in 2 groups. The former started the HILT treatment immediately after the enrollment, utilizing the latter group as control. At the end of the treatment for the former group, the latter started the therapy. Assessment was made by VAS, evaluation of joint mobility and muscle strength, echography. The treatment was made using a Nd:YAG laser.
Results: Significant reduction or complete disappearance of the pain, reduction or complete disappearance of the edema of the tendineous sheath.
Conclusion: HILT therapy causes the quite complete reversion of the pain symptoms together with endorphyne increase and it causes a significative decrease in the edema of the tendineous sheath. Therefore it is an effective tool in the treatment of the tenosynovitis of the omeral biceps.