HILT in the treatment of patellar tendinopathy in sportsmen

R. Buda, F. Di Caprio, R. Ghermandi, M. Buda
2nd Hilterapia® National Congress, 2007

Place: Institutes Rizzoli, Bologna, Poliambulatorio Life, RSM
Purpose: to evaluate the effects of laser therapy HILT for rehabilitation of patellar tendinopathy.
Method: 20 patients were divided in two groups: in the former group there was 10 subjects treated with HILTherapy and in the latter there was 10 subjects treated with a CO2 laser. HILT therapy was performed by a pulsed laser Nd:YAG (maximum fluence = 1780J, pulse energy<120 msec; spot= 5mm); CO2 laser treatment consisted of 20W for 15 sec. . Patients were evaluated with clinical and echographic tests before, during and after the treatments.
Results: patients of both groups showed an improvement of clinical and echographic parameters. Patients treated with HILTherapy showed an improvements of clinical parameters and produced a more quick recovery.
Conclusion: HILT treatment is a valid therapeutic method for patellar tendinopathy.