Thailand: MLS® speech at the PTAT conference

06 July 2018 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

A prominent appointment for Thai physical therapist specialists, the 9th National Conference of Physical Therapy by the Physiotherapy Association of Thailand (PTAT), which took place in Bangkok (Ambassador Hotel, 27/29 June), represented an excellent showcase for MLS®. The Laser Therapy was in fact the focus of the scientific programme on the topic of “New Technology for Physical Therapists” thanks to a dedicated speech during the Congress focusing on “Empower PT for Aging Society”. The in-depth speech by Dr Prasert Sakulsriprasert from the Mahidol University was attended by more than 350 participants, interested in receiving additional information concerning its uses and benefits.
The considerable number of those present – confirms Giacomo Granozio, the ASAlaser Area Manager – is a clear signal of the growing attention that laser therapy is gaining in Thailand. We can only be proud that the speech dedicated to MLS® was the sole one to be scheduled as part of the Congress’ scientific programme”.

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