Good deeds: Mphi 75 at the Gorizia Hospital

11 November 2020 - Corporate -

Thanks to the contributions by patients, associations, friends and ordinary people, the Mphi 75 device has been added to the equipment of the Pain Relief Therapy and Palliative Care clinic of the Gorizia Hospital.

The purchase, by means of a fundraising event linked to a charity initiative, is particularly valuable as it will enable pain sufferers to reduce this significantly. Thanks to the antalgic, anti-oedema, anti-inflammatory and biostimulating effects of the MLS® Laser Therapy provided through the Mphi 75 device, it will help to resolve pathologies which involve physical pain.

“By using two combined and synchronised wavelengths, Laser Therapy is able to guarantee faster and more in-depth sessions” the Medical Director, Corrado Thomann asserts. A feature, this latter one, that he states contributes to making it “the Laser Therapy of the third millennium”.

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