Hilterapia® effective for treating calcaneal spur

19 September 2019 - Research -

A recent study conducted on 42 patients affected by calcaneal spur – “The effect of high intensity laser therapy in the management of painful calcaneal spur: a double blind, placebo-controlled study” – confirms that the use of Hilterapia® significantly improves plantar support, also acting on pain reduction thanks to the prescription of specific exercises.

According to the research, ASA’s therapy generates a significant difference on the biomechanics of the movement, leading to a marked improvement of the gait, which is generally marred by problems caused by this pathology.

These results were obtained by dividing the patients into two groups and monitoring various parameters – morning pain (VAS), general pain (RMS score), parameters concerning the quality of life (SF-36) and functionality – and by carrying out an instrumental assessment (plantar pressure with a specific footboard).

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