Pulsed Nd:YAG laser and thermal exchange: a new therapeutic strategy in pain manegement. Experience on 100 patients.

S. Germano, D. Broglia, F. Salvò, E. Firpo , M. Mezzalira
Energy for Health [17], 2018

HIRO TT is a new thermal exchange therapeutic strategy which is based on thermal gradients originated by the association of Hilterapia® with a cooling system which lowers the temperature of the skin and the underlying tissues, called SmartCooler. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of HIRO TT treatment on pain and function in neuromuscular and osteoarticular pathologies. One hundred consecutive patients treated with HIRO TT strategy during routine practice in two centres were assessed in terms of VAS scale and functional changes  before and after the treatment. On a selection of patients, ultrasound and MRI examinations were carried out before and after the treatment to assess any changes due to treatment.
The more common diseases for which the patients have been treated were: trauma, edema, contractures, tendinopathies, and arthritis/joint pathologies.  
No side effects were reported. Significant improvements were obtained after the treatment in terms of VAS decrease, and functional recovery. After the treatment, most of the patients (81,25%) were completely pain free (VAS=0). Ultrasound evaluation demonstrated the effect of the treatment on contracture area relaxation,  
edema resolution and local microcirculation improvement. MRI showed a consistent improvement in edema and inflammation, regardless the  anatomical location and the type of condition that was treated.
The thermal exchange treatment with the HIRO TT system demonstrated to be a safe and effective therapeutic strategy in the treatment of pain associated with several conditions affecting the musculoskeletal tissue.