Percorso riabilitativo complesso nella sindrome della "spalla dolorosa" da rottura parziale e da tendinopatia calcifica della cuffia dei rotatori

R. Saggini
Complex rehabilitation path of "painful shoulder" syndrome due to partial tear and calcific tendinopathy of the rotator cuff
Sphera Medical Journal, 6:16-19, 2007

The aim of our study was to estimate the persistence of the results obtained by a complex rehabilitative approach in the treatment of partial lesions and calcific tendinopathy of the cuff rotator muscles. The aim of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic impact of a complex rehabilitative approach consisting in administrating physical energy through Hilt Therapy and high energy shock waves by electrohydraulic device jointly with a protocol of joint-specific motor rehabilitation, in order to compare the two therapy for medium and long times. 40 patients were enrolled in the study. They were affected by partial lesion of the cuff rotator muscles (I or ll degree) or by shoulder calcific tendonitis; the patients were clinically controlled for 360 days since the first treatment. This study proved that it is possible to codify a routine approach in the therapy of the cuff incomplete lesions of the rotator muscles by the use of different physical energy, through Hilt Therapy and high energy electrohydraulic shock waves with rapid gradient, because they allow to obtain a significant improvement of subjective and objective conditions related with pain and dysfunctional state of the shoulder, joined with rehabilitative training in the presence of a graduated physiotherapist.