HILT therapy. An approach in the treatment of lumbosciatalgy

S. Finocchiaro
2nd Hilterapia® National Congress, 2007

Place: Poliambulatorio della Misericordia, Pistoia
Purpose: the aim of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of HILTherapy in the treatment of lumbosciatalgy.
Method: 80 patients affected by lumbosciatalgy were included in this study and were divided in two group: one of the groups was treated with a protocol HILT through a CO2 laser; the other one was treated with both CO2 laser and Nd:YAG laser. The therapeutic cycle was based on 5 days of treatments for 2 weeks. Follow-up was until 60 days after the end of therapy. Patients were evaluated through V.A.S. scale.
Results: patients treated with CO2 laser showed a slow and progressive improvement, while with both laser treatments there was quick improvement.
Conclusion: The HILT therapy showed an early analgesic improvement, moreover this study suggest that HILT therapy induces a greater biostimulating effect.