Efficiency of MLS® therapy in abarticular rheumatism revealed by digital thermography and visual analog scale

A. Momanu, A. Csapo
Energy for Health [08], 2011

A lot of 22 patients with acute pathology soft-tissue injuries (shoulder periarthritis, tendinitis, epicondylitis, bursitis), which was divided into two groups. The first group (G1) received treatment with conventional electrotherapy (interferential or diadynamics current, ultrasound) and 100 mW laser. The second group (G2), received conventional therapy electrotherapy and MLS therapy. The aim of this study was to compare the anthalgic and anti-inflammatory effect of the MLS laser therapy and the mono-channel laser treatment in abarticular rheumatism, by digital thermography (outlining the local anti-inflammatory effect by the decrease in the cutaneous temperature), soft tissue echography (visualization of tissular modifications) and by clinical methods (the visual analogue pain scale). The decrease of VAS values to 5 or 10 days of treatment is more important for MLS therapy. It is also apparent decrease in the temperature difference between the affected and the healthy area.