Comparison between II generation cyclo-oxygenases and HILT in the treatment of backache

R. Carrara
2nd Hilterapia® National Congress, 2007

Place: Consulting Room Milici, Catania
Purpose: evaluation of the effects of HILT therapy in the treatment of human rachis affections.
Method: 90 patients were divided in 4 groups; the different treatments were the following: 1) HILT therapy (10 sessions); 2) massage therapy (3 sessions/week); 3) cox2 therapy for 3 weeks (75mg and 90mg); 4) fisiokinesitherapy (20 days). The evaluation was based on clinical parameters and on the presence/absence of phlogistic processes.
Results: 78% of patients treated with HILT therapy showed a decrease of painful symptomatology, while only 42% of patients treated with Cox2 therapy showed a clinical improvement. Patients treated with massage therapy and patients treated with fisiokinesitherapy showed an improvement in 75% and 62% of cases.
Conclusion: HILT therapy can be usefully applied for pain treatment in the backache, because it is able to reach deep tissues with safety and induce a prompt decrease of the symptoms without collateral effects.