MLS® and TMD: laser therapy at the service of the dental industry

28 March 2018 - Trade fairs & Congresses -

The use of MLS® Laser Therapy when treating temporo-mandibular issues and craniofacial pain gained a great response during the Australian Chapter of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (9/11 March – Sidney) event, dedicated to “Secrets of Success in Sleep and Pain: A Clinical Guide”. The sponsor of the 7th international symposium, Digital Dental (ASAlaser’s partner for Australia), who attended with an own stand, presented the strong points of MLS® to dental specialists keen to discover the latest sector innovations. By reducing the amount of pain through a limited number of sessions with short application times but long-lasting results, the ASAlaser therapeutic solution is proved to be effective in improving patients’ quality of life and, simultaneously, the operation of the dentist. “Laser therapy is carving out a leading role among Australian dental surgeons. This is confirmed by the feedback collected by Doctor Catherine Norton (Digital Dental) at this important meeting during which international and national speakers took stock of three fundamental moments of taking on the patient’s care: examination, diagnosis and treatment. Further substantiation of the MLS® effectiveness ensuring it is a valid professional partner - concludes Giacomo Granozio, the Area Manager for ASAlaser – is also provided by the broad range of case histories which are sent or provided by those who have already chosen us: their practical experience is the best calling card”.

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